eDelivery for Fintech

The eDelivery for Fintech project funded under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – action No: 2018-IE-IA-0069 – has been successfully completed. The project partners included IT Sligo, as Project Coordinator, Lighthouse BCS, an Irish fintech, and Celeris Advisory Ltd, a consulting firm providing specialised technical support.

The project focused on incorporating an eDelivery component into an existing Fintech solution. The eDelivery is one of the building blocks of the European Digital Infrastructure that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange. The eDelivery included the deployment of an Access Point and a Service Metadata Publisher (SMP).

The implementation has allowed Lighthouse BCS to receive electronic invoices and credit notes for processing them automatically in their internal IT environment. The deployed Access Point and SMP are conformant with CEF eDelivery specifications and their functionality has passed the connectivity testing with the eDelivery core service platform. “Lighthouse is delighted to now have the ability to accept invoices from any PEPPOL enabled organisations and we believe that this will greatly increase the adoption of Supply Chain Financing in the new digital economy.” – stated Donal Sullivan, Director, Lighthouse BCS

Celeris offered significant support for the eDelivery implementation thanks to its long experience in the implementation of eDelivery components. One of the critical aspects has been the security configuration, such as dealing with certificates, keystores and truststores. Another challenge has been the AS4 PMode (processing mode) configuration. Celeris provided a PMode template to reduce errors. “We are happy to be part of this project contributing to an increase of the EU digital building blocks adoption in the fintech industry” – stated Carmen Ciciriello, CEO, Celeris Advisory.

IT Sligo were delighted to project manage, coordinate and offer their technical expertise for this project. It also gave us another evidential platform to further disseminate the interoperability capacity of the eDelivery specifications and tool set.” – commented Padraig Harte, Project Coordinator. Presentations were given achieving interoperability using the eDelivery specifications to Public bodies in Ireland and to SMEs and Service Providers across the EU.

Ultimately, the implementation has shown how the Fintech industry can benefit from having an eDelivery Access Point for receiving structured documents within a secure network and from known sources, thereby improving the quality and trust of the processed data, which are used as a basis for eInvoice payment and Supply Chain Financing.

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